26 Questions 133 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kamal Nasreldin Abdalla
For example Great Britain is not showing any recovery data. Does that mean all the infected are still under treatment? Then why they do not approach the Germans who are doing fine in treating the...
08 May 2020 7,900 0 View
For an AC water cooled chiller what will be the best place for erecting cooling towers if the building roof does not allow for that.
16 March 2017 5,246 10 View
In small passenger cars the petrol engine is favoured over the diesel engine although its fuel economy is worse than the diesel. What are the reasons behind that?
08 February 2017 5,383 4 View
I wonder if one has a table of quantities of refrigerants by weight for charging house hold refrigerators ranging between 10 - 20 cubic feet capacity. Is the charge the same if different...
14 November 2016 2,629 5 View
Actual power output from gen-sets is found to be different from that stated by the manufacturer. Is there an empirical formula that can give this quantity in terms of those parameters that are...
23 October 2016 2,360 9 View
Fuel injection is extensively used in SI engines nowadays, I wonder if it will replace carburetors in the near future !
09 August 2016 2,694 3 View
Diesel engine combustion is a heterogeneous process. What are the benefits gained if any if we use a multiple hole injector instead of a single hole one for the same engine.
16 June 2016 969 5 View
For large installations where cooling load demand may exceed 1000 TR what are the basis for choosing the proper cooling system to suit the cooling load demand.. What are the reasons behind...
11 April 2016 3,666 8 View
Fuel injection is now almost replaced carburation in Spark Ignition engines.Which system of the two is more simple to handle and maintain, saves fuel and inexpensive?
13 March 2016 2,144 7 View
Is there an optimum temperature beyond which PV electricity production will decrease and what are the measures to be taken to take care of this in order to avoid power drop during high ambient...
10 March 2016 3,296 13 View
During the overlap period where both inlet and exhaust valve are open is useful in clearing the combustion chamber from combustion products of the previous cycle. This period is variable in...
17 February 2016 7,727 4 View
We are designing a home evaporative cooling system that is to be used in a coastal tropical location and we need to dry the humid air before entering the cooler by passing it through the desiccant...
01 February 2016 4,465 7 View
Diesel or compression ignition engines have better specific fuel consumption than S.I. engines because they enjoy higher compression ratios. What is the highest achieved by manufacturers so far...
11 January 2016 1,009 18 View
I wonder if the length of the delay period in the compression ignition engine has a significant effect in the formation of pollutants like CO,NOx,soot, unburned HC ....etc.
30 December 2015 3,412 7 View
It is known that if the injection period is increased far beyond certain limits some fuel may not get the time to burn which is uneconomical and creates some pollution problems. I am asking if...
20 December 2015 7,672 5 View
Some traces of unburned hydrocarbon have been present and proved experimentally as witnessed in the exhaust from internal combustion engines. What are the reasons behind this phenomena ?
22 November 2015 2,724 6 View
It is acceptable to short circuit the cooling water in engines during starting to make it warm up quickly in cold weathers. But is it necessary to do so when the weather is hot like in tropical...
17 November 2015 921 0 View
What will be the advantages and disadvantages of spraying water over an air cooled condenser in an air conditioning system?
08 November 2015 1,002 6 View
am interested in maximising the solar gain and I need an advice to find the optimum tilt angle for the collector.
08 September 2015 3,456 9 View
Overlap period is the period in crank angle degrees during which both inlet and exhaust valves are open to assist in clearing the products of combustion from the cylinder. Is it affected by...
09 June 2015 605 3 View
Ultrasonic wave is an acoustic (sound) energy in the form of waves having a frequency range above that of human hearing range.
28 May 2015 5,096 10 View
Cooling towers used to cool condensers of water cooled chillers in the Arabian Gulf area become inefficient when the ambient temperature and humidity rise up in summer. What can be done to improve...
13 May 2015 4,320 4 View
I need an explanation for this if I have engines that have the same compression ratio.
31 March 2015 1,862 9 View
The loss of piston clearance could lead to serious engine problems like excessive friction, excessive wear and at the end possible seizure of the piston in cylinder leading to complete engine failure.
10 March 2015 8,237 4 View
Compression ratios in SI engines is limited because of the occurance of ignition knock. Does the introduction of electronic injection system has any effect in extending the maximum limit.
01 March 2015 2,660 6 View
Evaporative cooling during humid weather is obviously ineffective. Outside humid air when passed through a desiccant to absorb some of the moisture in it tends to warm up slightly due to some...
22 February 2015 3,947 2 View