5 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Kaltham Ismail
Any concise and clear explanation of how does high temperature affect/inhibit NOB? Low DO with intermittent aeration, high temperature, high salt concentration, high ammonium concentration, high...
01 May 2017 801 9 View
The inhomogeneous heat equation is described as follows: Ut - kUxx = f(x,t). In order to solve this inhomogeneous PDE, Are there any restrictions on the type of the function f(x,t)? Even / Odd or...
28 February 2017 8,610 5 View
I am confused. Both of these processes reduced nitrogen to ammonia. what's the difference then?
24 March 2015 2,150 3 View
What I know that N and Q are countable set! Why the accumulation point of Q is the whole real line? There is no accumulation point of N (Natural numbers) because any open interval has finitely...
08 March 2015 5,903 12 View
Any function that is defined over the entire real line can be represented by a Fourier series if it is periodic. What if it is non-periodic?
14 February 2015 7,342 15 View