8 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Julio González Martín-Moro
When you observe the presence of Tyndall in an inflamed eye: Does each of the small floating dots correspond to an individual cell or to an aggregate of cells? Does a conventional slit lamp have...
28 February 2021 6,695 2 View
I am writing an article on #thedress. I have read that this illusion is partially explained by daylight locus, and I do not fully understand this idea. I know that it represents the distribution...
12 September 2020 8,877 1 View
Does anyone have any experience on treating COVID conjunctivitis? Should topical steroids be used? Do you think povidone-iodine could be...
27 March 2020 9,273 2 View
Could serum from patients who have overcome COVID 19 infection improve the prognosis of infected patients? How should it be prepared? Which dose should be administered to each patient? Has this...
21 March 2020 8,463 3 View
Does macular sparing really exist in occipital lobe lesions? Or is it just an artifact? At least when you use computerized perimetry it is uncommon to observe it.
11 November 2018 9,395 5 View
How can I calculate the sample size for a difference of proportion in the same sample? I mean, the same patients at different time, before and after an intervention. Best regards. Julio.
28 June 2017 765 4 View
It is accepted that enophthalmos is not present in Horner syndrome in humans. But is it really present in other animals? If this is the case; which is the underlying mechanism?
28 February 2017 5,578 1 View
Does anyone have a clue about the significant differences in mortality rates in COVID infected people between Germany and other countries (Spain, Italy, France…)? Germany is a densely populated...
01 January 1970 468 11 View