8 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Joyce Boateng
Children learn more by seeing than hearing so just looking to a person prints some images to mimic, and this in a way affects child training.
05 May 2018 6,004 7 View
People have different reasons why they cry or laugh.
05 May 2018 4,133 6 View
Its believed that emotions are responds to stimuli, and that can be positive or negative on a man's attitude. So can it be controlled?
03 March 2018 4,841 2 View
Many adolescents at this stage get confused and result to follow friends. this leads to research on their part, so how stressful is it and how can it be measured?
03 March 2018 9,951 6 View
Sometime people go on bananas and turned to be on each others throat which they later regret. So what can actually push someone to go on that level, fighting in public.
02 February 2018 8,658 8 View
Chaining, beating and even starving are usually given to children as a means of punishing them to stop doing wrong and I want to find out if any of these truly serve the purpose.
02 February 2018 5,446 3 View
People mostly snore when they are fast asleep so I want to find out the reason for that.
02 February 2018 3,102 6 View
Mostly, in heated argument people try to force other to respond to a question which later turns to something else. So is it Morally right to do this?
02 February 2018 2,279 0 View