5 Questions 16 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Joshua A. Spiers
I am proposing that a hierarchical approach is used where coarse resolution variables are used to run a maxent SDM and delineate a presence/absence map for my species (tropical conifer tree...
25 November 2020 1,298 4 View
Good day, I need to design a sampling method to quantify the regeneration of the selected species at different altitudes/canopy closures in a national park. The park is about 9000 ha and ranges...
19 April 2017 6,758 6 View
I am trying to download this data from GLOVIS USGS and other similar websites but the data is not downloadable. Any suggestions and where I can get this or similar data? It would be best for me...
21 March 2017 1,777 9 View
I am interested getting my MaxEnt model at higher resolution. The model involves the use of the common 19 Bioclimatic variables. I understand some people are against the use of variables from...
02 December 2016 2,349 12 View
I am trying to model the distribution of some vascular plant species, the species with restricted ranges typically produce models with good (>0.7) AUC scores. Species which are more widespread...
22 October 2016 5,406 12 View