5 Questions 32 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from John I Garver
This question has bothered me for some time. If radon is a non-reactive noble gas, then why does it so easily adsorb onto activated carbon? What is the reaction? There must be a simple...
03 November 2017 6,786 3 View
These are separates from a altered detrital sample. Barite is obviously heavy and non-magnetic, so we are dealing with the final non-magnetic heavy fraction. Obviously the goal here is the...
12 October 2016 5,489 5 View
I am interested in mapping outcrops for gamma radiation. I see that there are a number of commercially available units, but I sense that the field is rapidly changing and advancing. Thus, I am...
19 October 2014 9,119 6 View
I ran across this clast in a poorly dated conglomerate that is likely Silurian in age (coastal Maine - USA, peri-Gondwanan: definitely pre-Devonian). The clast is gray-black and the features are...
17 August 2014 5,414 10 View
These features occur in disk-shaped concretions in what we suspect are deep water turbidites. I have not seen the rock myself, and alI have is this picture. We are working on more precision on...
01 July 2014 5,944 15 View