14 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jesujoba Oluwadara Alabi
I have trained Word embedding using a "clean" corpus in fastText and and I want to compare the quality of the Word embedding obtained against the word embedding from the pre-trained multi-lingual...
07 July 2019 2,206 3 View
Recently, I discovered the dimension of the SOM network do turn out to be the number of data clusters for data clustering or image segments when used for image segmentation. For example, if the...
09 September 2018 6,280 6 View
I am trying out somethings using GHSOM/GSOM in MATLAB 2018 and I need specialist who could be of help. Kindly let me know if you have the skill and knowledge. Thanks
09 September 2018 7,670 1 View
I need to cluster some data and I will like to work around GSOM/GHSOM in MATLAB. Is there any platform where I can get the MATLAB toolbox for clustering using GSOM/GHSOM with possible sample codes?
09 September 2018 9,124 6 View
In MATLAB, clustering data using kmeans can be achieved as shown below: L = kmeans(X,k,Name,Value) where L is cluster indices which is for each data point. It implies that is if I have 307 data...
08 August 2018 3,340 8 View
I am interested in using MATLAB to extract texture features using LBP for each pixel in an image and clustering them using K-means algorithm. Anyone with relevant knowledge or the MATLAB code...
07 July 2018 3,501 3 View
I am currently working on image segmentation and I would like to see the working of clustering techniques such as Kmean and SOM. If you have the working MATLAB code, kindly share.
07 July 2018 8,750 3 View
I read some papers recently on improving marker-controlled watershed segmentation with clustering algorithms. What can be said to be the justification for improving marker-controlled watershed...
07 July 2018 268 3 View
07 July 2018 2,526 3 View
I was going through a paper on image segmentation, and a number of questions came to mind: 1. what does it mean to compute the gradient magnitude of a segmented image or an image? 2. Of what use...
07 July 2018 393 2 View
1. What Features are to be Extracted from images for Image Segmentation using clustering algorithms(e.g. K means)? 2. What methods can be used for the feature extraction process?
06 June 2018 9,992 4 View
Given a tree or a graph are there automatic techniques or automatic models that can assign weights to nodes in a tree or a graph other than NN?
05 May 2018 2,673 2 View
Given an undirected(weighted) graph depicted in the attached diagram which is a representation of relationships between different kinds of drink, how best can I assign weight to the edges? Is...
04 April 2018 4,047 11 View
Are there techniques to automatically assign weights on weighted graphs or weights on links in concept hierarchy? Assuming the scenario depicted here :...
04 April 2018 7,662 2 View