5 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Javier F Garzón Villamizar
The center of pressure (COP) is the point on a surface where the total sum of the resultant forces can act with the same magnitude of the force which is distribuited on the surface of an object....
19 August 2016 4,406 7 View
Pressure insoles (or force insoles) are devices made to measure the reaction forces of the ground. They are built to measure how much pressure does the body produce and how its distributed on the...
15 July 2016 2,867 4 View
There are lots of papers about researchers which investigated how does the COP behave in some postures (like unipedal or bipedal standing), and functional activities (like walking) on healthy...
17 May 2016 7,124 4 View
Different variables (or parameters) related to the center of pressure has been created to determinate how the human postural control (or postural balance) is manteined or modified on a different...
19 March 2016 6,449 9 View
It has been created a lot of variables (or parameters) of the center of pressure (Velocity, Length ...) which are used to asses and generate a clinical and biomechanical interpretation about...
19 February 2016 6,537 4 View