5 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Jamil Hayder
To convert, a matlab code to HDL (VHDL), Matlab HDL Coder can be used. There are some signal processing examples of hdl coder given on mathwokrs website but they are not easy to understand. Does...
01 January 2016 219 3 View
I have decimal numbers ( lets say 8.432, 5.256 etc) in my MATLAB as input for arithmetic operations ,I convert my code to vhdl using HDL Coder. The data type i chose for input and output blocks in...
12 December 2015 8,227 3 View
Dear All, I am sorry if I say any thing silly.Please forgive me. I am trying to implement below code in Matlab HDL Coder but facing problems, getting error given below. x1=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
12 December 2015 7,034 0 View
Dear All, Is here any one who has implemented any kind of algorithm in Matlab HDL Coder library.Please comment.Would really appreciate.I have very small thing to discuss about HDL Coder...
12 December 2015 1,235 1 View
I am trying to Implement cross correlation in Simulink but getting error. Two Signals (each of length 2000 samples) contains zeros and non zero values (0-1.7).But at the out vector I am getting...
11 November 2015 3,126 3 View