6 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from James Mukombwe
Dear colleagues I am trying to use DEA to answer the following objectives. Any material I can follow as examples? 1. What is the empirical relationship between competition and medical scheme...
15 September 2023 7,087 0 View
Dear colleagues, I am running a regression in which I have the following regression FoodExp = 67.04 DepRatio +.....e My interest is in the interpretation of the coefficient on the dependency...
17 February 2021 2,362 2 View
Dear all, I am running a regressing distance to input markets on household crop diversity (number of crops grown). The result show that reducing distance to an input market increases crop...
09 November 2020 9,864 4 View
Dear all, I am running multilevel models ( two level and three levels) in r using nlme and lme4 packages but I need to test for linearity. Are there any recommendations of practical resources to...
30 September 2020 3,432 6 View
Dear all, I am performing my data analysis and I got the following message from r software "boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular Warning message: Some predictor variables are on very different...
25 September 2020 2,206 2 View
I am running multilevel models in R (two-level and three level models) for my thesis. However, I have two problems: 1. Missing data Literature advises use of Multiple Imputation (MI) or...
14 September 2020 9,659 3 View