8 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ioannis Dimopoulos
The only interpretation of the Bayes Factor calculated using the output of BayesTraits is this: 2 Positive evidence 5-10 Strong evidence >10 Very strong evidence Is...
14 May 2021 8,071 4 View
Dear all, I have a comparative phylogenetic model on MCMCglmm, with a binary response variable, 4 binary explanatory variables as fixed effects and the phylogeny as a random effect. I would...
30 September 2020 2,480 2 View
I use MCMCglmm to run fixed effects model and I use multiple fixed effects. Is it possible to check the effect of the interactions between the fixed effects, or interactions are only vailable for...
03 September 2020 5,607 2 View
I created a phylogeny using sequences from 4 different genes, in order to use it in comparative phylogenetic analysis. The initial unconstrained tree had some weird paraphylies, which could not be...
15 June 2020 9,121 0 View
Hello. I want to run an MCMC analysis on BayesTraits using a set of Bayesian trees I created using MrBayes. I want to run the analysis using both the consensus tree and a sample of 1,000 trees to...
29 July 2019 6,179 2 View
Hi! I am trying to build a phylogeny using a mixture of mitochondrial and nuclear protein-coding genes and rRNA genes. Is it possible to specify the specific type of gene in the partition file? I...
17 December 2018 6,323 3 View
I have a list of species for which I made a phylogeny and I have multiple sequence records (and therefore multiple tips) per species. I want to have a single tip per species and in order to do...
09 July 2018 3,648 15 View
Hey all! I am studying parental care in Insects and I would lie to check the impact to treating care as a single trait VS investigating each type of care separately. I am trying to find relevant...
01 January 1970 1,112 12 View