7 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Iman Ashtiani Abdi
I have recently started a project to use multiple Gopro8s (4 cameras) in live stream mode, and use them to observe the level of a tank as a control measure. The cameras should be turned on...
28 April 2020 2,761 0 View
I'm new in image/video processing, and recently I'm commissioned to run a project to measure the depth of sludge stored in a column. The sludge level varies throughout the day and there is a...
30 January 2020 1,494 9 View
What is the best characteristic length to calculate Reynolds number downstream of the block at the red point (as is shown in the schematic)
17 April 2015 4,399 9 View
I want to plot the energy spectra of the streamwise velocity fluctuation versus the wavenumbers using matlab. How can I extract the wavenumbers from the hotwire data, is it by applying FFT to the...
16 March 2015 4,396 5 View
I applied FFT to my hotwire data downstream of a circular cylinder to find the vortex shedding frequency, however two clear peaks appear in my final results. How can I say which one is the actual...
16 March 2015 5,327 27 View
How far it should be from the cylinder, also has it to be located in the y=0 position or it needs to be relocated in y direction?
16 March 2015 6,367 7 View
I use matlab to analyse the obtained data downstream of a circular cylinder from hot-wire. How can I find out the noise frequency range so I can remove them from the data?
16 March 2015 8,427 2 View