8 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hitanshu Sachania
Can you also describe how optical properties, like colour, can be studied from DoS?
07 July 2018 5,037 0 View
Can you give a qualitative explanation.
02 February 2018 7,258 0 View
How do you represent it mathematically?
10 October 2017 9,996 2 View
Is there a mathematical framework to answer this question?
09 September 2017 552 2 View
The ratio is ideally ~1 : 1836. At what temperature does it fall to 1 : 1800?
09 September 2017 3,762 3 View
Heat flows from a material at a higher temperature to that at a lower temperature. Should't it flow from a material with a higher heat content to one with a lower heat content? Just like how mass...
01 January 2016 943 5 View
Shouldn't nanoparticles be invisible to the naked eye? There is some color the clear liquid retains. Is it because there are some nanoparticles in there imparting this color and the precipitate...
12 December 2015 3,645 8 View
Is it alright if I run an ISIF = 3 and ISPIN = 2 calculation for 2 hours, after which the job terminates (limited computing resources), and then simply copy the CONTCAR to POSCAR and start it...
01 January 1970 3,830 7 View