4 Questions 27 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hiba J. Aleqabie
Hi.. I was discussing about the deep learning and I've been told that the deep learning not limited to the machine learning algorithms but also include the segmentation and feature extraction...
12 December 2018 3,703 0 View
Hello , How can I get Facebook dataset? for my research and it should be benchmark for sentiment analysis. any one can show me the dataset and it's paper. Gratefully
11 November 2018 2,423 0 View
I need dataset contain the tweet and it's coordinate positions[long, lat]. or if there is none ,how can I stream API for tweets has positions??
09 September 2018 2,347 0 View
Can you please show me what feature you think its important and you select it or you just select the standard? What are the standard? Thank you in advance.
01 January 1970 3,332 2 View