9 Questions 34 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hemalatha Nambisan
When I do PSI-BLAST for a protein sequence against a non-redundant database (3 iterations) I get a PSSM matrix. Is it possible to generate any other output from PSI-BLAST for the above problem...
11 November 2012 3,253 2 View
My svmlight output for binary classification (+1 for true and -1 for false classes) is like +1 0.001 -1 -0.34 +1 0.9 +1 055 -1 -0.2 I tried generating roc in R using ROCR package. But I...
10 October 2012 669 15 View
I tried increasing heap size by editing RunWeka.ini file and changed it to 1024m from 256m. I am using large dataset. After changing the file I saved it and ran WEKA again. But still I am getting...
10 October 2012 1,528 1 View
For doing cross validation is it the parameter x which has to be used? Or is it some other parameter? I am confused. For doing 10 cross validation -x 10 will be fine. Also in SVM light how to...
10 October 2012 7,259 9 View
Can anyone help me reg proset s/w. ALso I need help in installing it and using it.
10 October 2012 9,475 0 View
I have installed R and ROC package in R. I need to generate ROC from my SVM output data . How to call my data in R to run ROCR?
10 October 2012 6,046 2 View
Will Rapidminer tool help me in drawing a ROC curve? Moreover, I tried installing it, but could not.
10 October 2012 282 5 View
I want to run PSIBlast stanalone in my machine and want to create PSSM file. I have blast standalone and it has psiblast too. I tried running command in it, but it is giving an error. I used the...
10 October 2012 673 5 View
I have been using SVM light for classification. Have tried various kernels while training the model. Can anyone suggest how to use user defined kernel while training the model.
02 February 2012 4,285 2 View