13 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hashem Elassad
Please suggest free or one-time-payment website-blocking programs (for an individual) that you can put a password on . I already use Qustodio.com but I need an additional program when Qustodio is...
01 January 2019 9,457 1 View
Purpose of the post: I'm struggling to understand the significance of the fat-tailed distribution especially in career choice. 80000hours career guide argues that the more accurate distribution...
01 January 2019 627 8 View
Hi there, I prepare material for training workshops I'm looking for guidelines for how much should I charge/get if I prepare the content and someone else gives the material as a trainer repeated...
10 October 2018 337 0 View
10 October 2018 5,376 4 View
The question has two parts Ancient knowledge regarding :First: 1- The precursor of milk is digested food or excretions in the stomach. Second: The role of blood in circulating the components...
09 September 2017 3,286 12 View
Diminishing Returns Concept: At a certain point , increasing the amount of input (e.g. effort) will still lead to an increase in output but at a rate less than before. I'm looking for resources...
01 January 1970 320 3 View
1- Unglamorous can be stronger/ better than glamorous. Example of a demonstration for this concept: Mosquitoes are more deadly than...
01 January 1970 1,660 5 View
Hi everyone, I'm a researcher who prepares content for workshops. Here are some lists I compiled to help me find concept-demonstrating resources https://goo.gl/c9WtSt "8ACTIVITIES" to "b...
01 January 1970 681 2 View
Can numbers (the Look then Leap Rule OR the Gittins Index) be used to help a person decide when to stop looking for the most suitable career path and LEAP into it instead or is the career...
01 January 1970 4,253 6 View
Hi there, Is there strong evidence that choosing a career that fits one's personality or interests is of primary importance in regards to satisfaction or performance ? (For the purpose of this...
01 January 1970 4,373 22 View
After hundreds of hours of research and preparation, I'm done with the presentation "Rethinking Career Choice: Why 80,000 Hours should give us Pause"! Feedback (positive or negative) is more than...
01 January 1970 779 1 View
Can you please explain or provide resources that explain this issue (esp. to a lay audience): How to understand the significance of a co-relation number that studies (esp. meta-analyses) produce....
01 January 1970 1,067 3 View
Please suggestions about finding numbers (statistics, figures) about a certain topic that you have in mind but not if the numbers are available. For example, number of hours people spend...
01 January 1970 9,527 3 View