8 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hasan Bin Sohail
Hi, As the research field is really competitive, so what are the skills recommended for a Ph.D. student to learn while doing a Ph.D.? For example, I am doing a Ph.D. in environmental health...
01 January 2020 7,093 7 View
Hi, I am analyzing a time series data of daily mean temperature. I am trying to understand the concept of autocorrelation here. I have to run a regression model to find an association of daily...
11 November 2019 8,708 3 View
Hi, I am doing an analysis. My analysis showed that for example is "kidney admissions- all ages group" is significantly associated with daily temperature, however, in agewise groups, it does not...
11 November 2019 4,979 3 View
Hi, I am studying the effect of X on different diseases. The X shows a significantly increased risk for let's say 2 diseases (good to report), but for the rest of the diseases, X shows increased...
11 November 2019 9,480 11 View
Hi, I have to compare means of one standard group with 5 reference groups. So my options are: 1) either i can compare reference groups one by one to the standard group by using T test 2) or i...
10 October 2019 8,923 4 View
Hi, I am checking the effect of temperature on kidney disease hospital admissions with NO2(an air pollutant). In other words, how the effect of daily temperature on Kidney disease admissions...
10 October 2019 1,896 4 View
I am running a GAM for temperature and Cardio admissions. After running the script i am getting the summary output as : My script is ibrary(mgcv) > model1
07 July 2019 6,166 5 View
As far as i understood the factors that delay the effect of heat are lagging effects. So lagging=delay. but what exactly are the lagging effects or lagging coefficient? and are these lagging...
01 January 2019 4,976 0 View