10 Questions 69 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hansika Kapoor
I'm trying to use virtual serial ports to configure the markers from my EPrime paradigm to EmotivPRO (the data recording application of the Emotiv EPOC headset). However, after configuring the...
01 September 2017 4,414 7 View
Hello, I'm performing an EEG analysis using a creativity paradigm on BESA 6.0. I'd like to know if someone who knows the software can Skype with me to clarify some doubts concerning the analysis...
28 April 2016 359 1 View
My colleague and I are doing work in the area of prosocial and antisocial behaviour, through qualitative methods. For coding purposes, we came across a procial behaviour taxonomy in Bierhoff,...
14 May 2015 7,463 12 View
I'm looking to review literature in the area of psychopathy and antisocial behaviour, studied using electrophysiological methods like EEG. Would appreciate some suggestions of Review papers.
15 September 2014 6,595 10 View
Given that most of us are on at least one SNS (social networking site), do you feel like we've begun to engage in experiences only to upload them and make them known to others? And has the purpose...
09 January 2014 4,962 22 View
Context, may it be physical, linguistic or socio-cultural, permeates human behaviour. How important is context while conducting research in the social sciences, particularly psychology? And if it...
06 November 2013 278 16 View
i have not come across a patient with Bipolar Disorder having only Manic episodes, but have read literature relevant to Unipolar Mania. In professional practice, has anyone come across a patient...
24 October 2013 1,578 11 View
Here, satisfaction would relate to healthy ageing and happiness - with minimal physical and psychological ailments. What could be the various determinants that influence health ageing? For...
24 September 2013 2,475 53 View
I'd like to study the behavior of head banging, as a form of music-induced movement - its motivations and consequences. However, I'm unable to locate robust work done in the field. Could someone...
19 September 2013 1,532 4 View
I reside and work with clinical populations in India - where insurance is not claimable for psychiatric disorders. I'd like to know whether the country in which you reside has always provided...
29 August 2013 4,903 50 View