7 Questions 18 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hamza Nachouane
What is the main difference between SCI- and ISI-indexed journals? JCR (stands for Journal Citation Reports) is also produced by Thomson Reuter, are they the same thing?
10 October 2017 3,732 11 View
Dear all,I have a question about the postdoc positions, did I need to do the IELTS/TOEC test to apply?Thank you
06 June 2017 5,445 0 View
Dear all, It is normal to obtain negative values of group delay (especially that its unit is nanosecond)? What is the physical meaning of a negative group delay in UWB antennas or filters? Best...
01 January 2017 3,907 4 View
Dear all, Please what is the difference between the criteria that define the antenna's bandwidth? What is the main reason behind choosing the -6dB over -10dB criteria? Thanks
12 December 2016 1,298 0 View
Is that means that we can combine four types of diveristy in a single antenna system? If so, can you provide me an article deals with a combination of three to four types of diversity in a single...
08 August 2016 7,245 2 View
Hi everyone, I need to trace the simulated transfer function of an UWB antenna as well as the normalised signal strength to compared it with the measured one. Any help? using CST or HFSS software!
07 July 2016 3,761 0 View
I need to know which method is the best for modling antennas, that have some active components as pin diode or varactor diode? and their feeding circuits, are they affecting the modeling?
09 September 2014 9,286 4 View