3 Questions 3 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Hailee Rogers
I am doing western blots on human striatum for ceruloplasmin but cannot get any bands. I know that the concentration of ceruloplasmin in the brain is quite low. So I've tried using a higher...
22 September 2015 502 3 View
I am doing westerns with human brain tissue and the westerns seem to be working fine. I'm getting a nice band of the right weight, but nothing shows up when I ponceau stain. But here's the thing:...
02 June 2015 6,627 3 View
I am specifically working with human brain tissue. Most of the tissue has been in formalin for 2-10 years. I have read a couple papers claiming to have revived their tissue with certain...
27 May 2015 2,144 4 View