17 Questions 10 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gunjan Naik
I am training a model, where class distribution is unbalanced. So, I thought of applying augmentation technique, to improve the performance. I am wondering,is it fair to apply augmentation only on...
11 November 2019 10,057 5 View
I am working on DICOM images of chest X ray images. In this, when I load the image in DICOM viewer, the images are having good contrast ratio. And when I load the same DICOM in python using...
08 August 2019 567 3 View
Can anybody explain me, how to convolve quincunx filter bank with any given image. I haven't found anything related to practical implementation of quincunx. If any one can help me in understanding...
11 November 2018 4,191 0 View
I am using deep learning for brain tumor segmentation. For this, Brats 2013 data-set is the starting point. For using Deep learning technique, pixel classification has been performed. In this,...
08 August 2018 7,304 10 View
I have a stack of brain MRI with tumor present in some slices. I wanted to remove the tumor from that slices and fill these pixels with relevant values, such that it will be like non-tumor or...
05 May 2018 6,974 3 View
Both the techniques, wavelet and independent component analysis are used to decompose signal or image, such that they can be used to find the relevant components. On what factors, we can compare them?
03 March 2018 1,802 9 View
I have developed a method using which the edges in images are get enhanced. Which evaluation metric shall I use to state that edges in image are improved or not? I am working on brain tumor images.
01 January 2018 7,432 10 View
I am currently studying sparse coding and dictionary learning. In that, I got to know that an optimization equation is the crux of the system. So, does writing an optimization equation is done by...
01 January 2018 2,018 2 View
I am working on Spectral clustering with the matrix size of 57600 by 57600. But,it fails throwing 'memory error'. It works for 8100 by 8100 matrix. Can using parallel computing approach help to...
02 February 2017 4,320 4 View
I am using large matrices in my research. The size of matrix vary from 3600 by 3600 to 57600 to 57600. The matrix are sparse in nature. But, despite using sparse matrix from scipy the computation...
12 December 2016 2,183 5 View
Active Contour methods like Geodesic Active contour,Chan-Vese Active contour requires knowledge about curve evolution and level sets. So, where can I learn about it with learning about how to code...
08 August 2016 10,097 0 View
I have found Matlab code for Normalized cut. But, I want to implement 'Normalized cut' method from scratch. How can I use NetworkX package for it? I want to create a graph from a image.
07 July 2016 4,801 0 View
I wanted to use custom wavelet and use it for further processing. In Matlab,they have that provision for creating your own wavelet. I haven't got any help on Python based package. Edit: I wanted...
03 March 2016 6,543 6 View
I am writing a code to create 3D model of object using Epipolar geometry? I get stuck at finding the Essential matrix from the Fundamental matrix. Since my images are not calibrated, I don't have...
03 March 2015 9,757 3 View
I am writing a code for Kernel Sparse classifier for Image classification? I have written code for Sparse classifier and used PCA for dimensionality reduction. But,I wanted to use kernel trick...
01 January 2015 7,007 2 View
I wanted to do Sparse based classification for Images. For that, I wanted to solve a basis pursuit problem. I wanted to do it using C++,as I don't have Matlab. Please suggest a library for this on...
01 January 2015 6,693 3 View
I am using Dice score to compare image segmentation. But what is the significance of Kappa score, Positive predictive Value and Jaccard coefficient with respect to Image segmentation? How can use...
01 January 1970 8,845 1 View