4 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Guilnaz Mirmoshtaghi
I have a waste water sample with different particles including heavy metals, one before sedimentation and one after a certain time. Now the question is how can I calculate the time it needs that...
19 February 2019 6,424 18 View
Dear all Based on what I read in different articles, adding recuprator does not affect the delta P over the expander (turbine), however it reduces the condensation pressure and temperature ( due...
04 January 2018 220 4 View
Maybe it sounds simple, but actually when you check literature you will see what is reported as superficial velocity is not (u=airflow (m3/se)/Area of reator (m2)) because if you consider this...
31 August 2016 594 5 View
I am trying to write Fortran code to solve 6 differential non-linear equations simultaneously. Can you help me with some examples or similar codes?
07 April 2014 8,323 6 View