5 Questions 31 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gourav Shrivastav
How can we access the information on the atom indexes involved in a given collective variable. I can see that it is possible to access this information in colvar and analysis classes. But is it...
25 April 2019 9,772 2 View
In thiosulphate, two sulphurs have oxidation state of -2 and +6. (as per suggestions). Sulphur bonded to three oxygen is considered to have +6 (Sulphur A) and other sulphur has -2 (Sulphur B)....
09 February 2015 4,074 6 View
I am using Nvidia's K20x cards on my machine. I am facing some problems in using lammps gpu enabled version upto its full efficiency on GPU-node. The main role of the gpu is to save the time...
06 February 2015 6,432 1 View
I know about standard error, but not getting idea about the asymptotic standard error and how it is related to standard error.
21 January 2015 4,795 9 View
1) read via one processor and send to another or 2) read the file simultaneously using all the processors If you have any better idea of how to do this, I'd love to hear it! I have an input file...
18 September 2014 4,010 6 View