4 Questions 6 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gourav Das
Greetings everyone, I want to optimize the 3A state of a molecule in Gaussian. So, I have set the multiplicity value 3. However, it is taking a long time. Instead of that can I optimize the...
11 June 2024 4,447 3 View
Greetings everyone, I am trying to dock a planar ligand with a receptor molecule using Autodock tool. I want to freeze the torsions of the ligand. So, I changed the number of active torsions to...
08 November 2023 7,620 3 View
Dear all, I need to calculate the value of a fluorophore. Can I use the ground state optimized geometry of the molecule to calculate the value? Also, what is the formula to calculate the total...
13 September 2023 9,636 2 View
I was trying to use antechamber to obtain the mol2 file for a silicon containing molecule. But GAFF2 force field does not have the parameters for silicon and that's why antechamber could not...
11 May 2023 2,488 4 View