4 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ghazaleh Chegini
So I grew some radish seeds in a petri-dish using two different biochars. Is it correct to conclude that the seed number 2 is healthier than number 1? Can anybody help me to understand the growth...
13 March 2020 6,805 5 View
A common practice in the production of activated carbon is post washing the material with water or acids to remove impurities. Now in an industrial scale that is a lot of wastewater to deal...
04 January 2020 2,379 7 View
I want to study the behavior of different powdered activated carbons (PAC) in removing of contaminants from wastewater. However, I am not sure what would be the ideal contact time for industries...
29 July 2019 1,334 10 View
So I have noticed many times that the AC that I get at the end of my CO2 activation has slightly larger diameter than the initial feedstock. I also read that "The products of gas activation mainly...
11 October 2018 1,308 6 View