9 Questions 39 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Ghaieth Ben Hamouda
I always found confusing both concepts! Which one do you think is more important? I give an example: The journal of "Theoretical and Applied Climatology" has an impact factor of 2.88, but it's a...
02 December 2020 8,837 19 View
I have historical and future climate data derived from different RCMs for different geographic locations. Each two groups of data are of unequal sizes. I did a Welch t-test on my samples and I...
18 June 2020 699 15 View
Hello, I have a Cordex NetCDF file with rotated pole coordinates. I would like to transform those coordinates to regular lat/lon coordinates. I am working on CDO. But, I am also open to solutions...
20 April 2020 8,407 4 View
Hello, I downloaded "Surface solar radiation downwards" data (which are basically global radiation data) from Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) and specifically from ERA5 climate reanalysis...
26 March 2019 4,796 10 View
I need monthly data for sunshine hours and/or solar radiation for 2017 in Italy. Is there a database from where I can get data? or a method to simulate one of these two parameters?
23 May 2018 8,999 9 View
I have monthly data for a period of 60 years of rainfall and temperature. I would like to test their homogeneity using XLSTAT. If someone has an example of calculation I can download, I would be...
22 February 2016 4,903 10 View
Are there any papers or any scientific review about PSMD (Potential Soil Moisture Deficit)?
15 December 2015 1,216 8 View
I am trying to do a comparison between many interpolation techniques like Kriging, IDW and splines for rainfall and temperature data and I want to know, if using RMSE for comparison enough or...
07 December 2015 1,155 33 View
I used a number of buckets (Diamter 20 cm and length 20 cm) driven into the ground in different spots of the area and I measured their weight on daily bases for 10 days. The problem is that I am...
07 September 2015 6,499 9 View