5 Questions 4 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Gbeminiyi Sobamowo
If an Eigenfunction expansion method is used to transform a nonlinear PDE (in space and time) into a system of truncated nonlinear ODEs in time which are then solved numerically (using Runge-Kutta...
08 November 2019 4,388 4 View
If Meshless Methods have high tendencies and potentials to replace the use of Finite Element Methods, why have they not been so popular in applications ?
09 July 2019 375 3 View
Despite the higher accuracy of Finite analytic method than Finite difference and Finite element methods, why is it not popular as the other methods ?
16 December 2018 2,930 4 View
I would like to know if it is better to state in a technical report that DTM is semi-analytical method or approximate analytical method ?
16 December 2018 8,210 4 View
I want to avoid the use of numerical method in finding the roots of the inherent eigenvalues in the characteristics equation of the solution. This will help in increasing the accuracy of the...
16 December 2018 982 1 View