12 Questions 28 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Folasade O. Isinkaye
I need an explanation or materials on this: How is O(n) considered extremely big or inefficient for collaborative filtering when the datasets is extremely huge?
11 August 2021 3,617 4 View
I want to import an image dataset into google colab or jupyter notebook for me to train it using tensorflow and keras (ml). I am having difficulty in importing the dataset into the colab and...
07 October 2019 8,095 1 View
What is the full meaning of this accuracy metric used for measuring estimated ranking in recommender systems?
06 February 2018 4,809 3 View
Can anyone be of help to me on how to obtain the mathematical equation for the Regularized Optimization problem in the PDF file below using Stochastic gradient Descent with bootstrap sampling for...
02 January 2018 6,464 2 View
Please, I want explanations on the use of of this novelty metric for recommender system proposed by S.Vargas (2011) - Expected Popularity Complement (EPC). materials that could help will be...
27 December 2017 9,658 1 View
Please, I need simplified materials that can give me thorough understanding of the following models (Bayesian Probabilistic Ranking and Sparse Linear Methods), as applied to collaborative...
19 June 2017 9,264 2 View
Can anybody explain how to assign cluster vectors to appropriate cluster centers after performing Kmeans clustering? I am working with R/Rstudio, is there any library that does it? or can anybody...
13 June 2017 6,715 3 View
I need an explanation on RSVD and SVD Results. I run an experiment in Rstudio using the same datasets on RSVD and SVD functions. I got the same result. What can be the explanation for this? Thks
02 June 2017 2,501 1 View
Compare with other analytic/Recommender tools/library like WEKA, R-studio, GitHub, Surprise, MyMediaLite, LensKit, LibRec etc. How good is Azure machine learning studio?
24 May 2017 1,026 3 View
1. What are the advantages of using BPR SLIM with recommender system? 2. Could it be combined with Dimensionality reduction and Clustering to generate recommendations? 3. What are the steps to...
20 May 2017 1,440 0 View
In evaluating recommender system with binary rating data, which other evaluation metrics can one use aside F-1 (Precision and Recall) measure for better accuracy?
10 May 2017 1,705 3 View
The system should use the context of the item to select relevant data (PCA), then, use k-means to do clustering and finally use IBCF to generate top-n recommendations. I need the detailed...
04 May 2017 2,293 2 View