16 Questions 111 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Feng Qi
Dear Sir/Madam Could you please provide me a teaching, research, or editorial position in mathematics? You can find my details at https://qifeng618.wordpress.com. When you have any information,...
10 October 2018 9,634 2 View
Recently, a new handbook Dennis S. Bernstein, Scalar, Vector, and Matrix Mathematics: Theory, Facts, and Formulas, Revised and Expanded Edition, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2018....
02 February 2018 4,436 2 View
Dear All Could you please tell me what and where the inverse of a concrete lower triangular matrix showed in the picture is? Can you help compute the inverse matrix explicitly? Best regards...
11 November 2017 9,265 13 View
How to compute the inverse Anxn-1 of the matrix Anxn? For details of the matrix A, please see the picture uploaded with this message. It is better to find a reference in which this problem was...
12 December 2016 4,632 43 View
Can one give a general formula for the product of three different finite sums? See the picture attached with this question.
10 October 2016 5,462 14 View
Dear All Could you please help prove two integral inequalities in the picture uploaded to this message? Best regards Feng Qi (F. Qi) https://qifeng618.wordpress.com
09 September 2016 8,696 11 View
How to compute a special Hessenberg determinant showed by the PDF file? Thank a lot.
01 January 2016 5,333 5 View
What is the name (for example, Vandermonde determinant) of the matrix or determinant showed by the following picture? I believe that it should have a name, but I am not sure.
12 December 2015 9,199 9 View
My question is expressed by the picture below. May you provide me a formula and a reference to cite? Thank a lot.
05 May 2015 10,121 4 View
I need a reference to the integral analogue of Cauchy-Binet identity, but I can not find such a reference. Could you please help me? Thank you in advance.
08 August 2014 9,135 13 View
I ever published five papers (see the picture) in the journal Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly which was pressed and issued in Singapore. However, I can not find all the original versions of...
07 July 2014 6,639 1 View
The logarithmic concavity must be used in the required result.
11 November 2013 9,098 8 View
What is the meaning of the abbreviation ARRB in the phrase "ISI Thomson Reuters (Only for ARRB)"?
10 October 2013 4,013 4 View
Do you think that the iThenticate/CrossCheck/Similarity Index would cause heavy and serious confusion in mathemtics? Even destroy, ruin, damage Mathematics? Our mathematics and mathematicians...
01 January 1970 9,272 44 View
Dear All Could you please let me know where the formula for computing a beta transform in the picture uploaded exists? Where $i\ge j\ge 1$ are positive integers. Best regardsFeng Qi (F. Qi)
01 January 1970 7,776 15 View
The famous Sylvester matrix was studied in 1854. It is defined as showed in the picture uploaded here. My question is: What and where is the inverse of the Sylvester matrix?
01 January 1970 8,954 9 View