6 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Felipe Augusto Pereira de Figueiredo
Which frequency band is the most suitable for RIS deployment? Have RIS-aided systems the same advantages for low frequency bands such as 800 MHz/2 GHz and high frequencies such as mmWave/THz bands?
18 December 2020 4,783 4 View
Let's say a BS equipped with a massive mimo array communicates with a LIS array through a correlated Rayleigh channel. Can we say that the correlation matrices of the channels between the BS and...
17 May 2020 402 0 View
What would be the PDF of the finite sum (i.e., the sum of N product terms) of the product of two independent but non-identically distributed Rayleigh random variables? Does someone know what the...
27 January 2020 358 9 View
Given i.i.d. Rayleigh fading, known (at BS) large scale-fading parameters and pilot based channel estimation for a Massive MIMO system, can we have a better channel estimator than the one achieved...
26 February 2018 4,003 6 View
In [1] the authors consider linearly independent channel covariance matrices, however, they do not mention if it is symmetric or not. Therefore, I'd like to know if the covariance matrix for that...
25 January 2018 2,058 4 View
My question regards the real necessity to have subframe (3GPP Rel. 12) or slot (3GPP Rel. 13) aligned transmissions in the unlicensed band. According to TR 36.889: "Channel reservation refers to...
01 January 1970 7,790 4 View