4 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fawad Khan
In Attribute based encryption and predicate encryption, the message M which is encrypted with the ciphertext belongs to group G, GT used in the specific encryption scheme, i.e. M.e(g,g)^s where M...
17 November 2016 4,650 2 View
Consider the scenario, that we have a Lookup table (LUT) which takes the desired value as input and output correspondingly the matched value in LUT. We don't want anyone to look into the LUT;...
07 October 2016 8,616 1 View
I need to know about any relevant papers/stuff or and research carried out in the field of cryptography / security on an encrypted non-tamper-able Look up Table. The table can be considered as a...
28 September 2016 2,236 2 View
symmetric key cipher (block or stream cipher) providing partial decryption of data at some points. Although the entire data is not been decrypted but the data decrypted to that specific point...
04 May 2016 1,997 4 View