6 Questions 91 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Fathi M Sherif
There are different types of depression in humans, and there are different species of aniamls that react differently. Depression can be induced behaviorally (acute or chronic) and can also be...
15 March 2017 5,285 2 View
There are several social factors affecting health quality other than known factors as obesity, physical inactivity, unhealthy food, life-stress, nicotine smoking, alcohol and caffeine intake....
08 March 2017 2,281 3 View
We all know that there are some major weaknesses of research reports that make editors reject a paper, such as clear problem statement and conclusions that are not justified on the study. IS...
20 May 2013 9,819 13 View
Sometimes, a manuscript is rejected by certain journal but the authors are insisted to resubmitted to the same journal for certain reasons. What are the main guidelines for resubmission and the...
11 May 2013 954 25 View
Biological assays of some drugs and medicinal plants, which are hard to assay by chemical methods due to stability or very small quantities of insulin, hormones, vitamins, vaccines etc. This part...
26 December 2012 3,657 1 View
Usually, the author of the review article is known in a certain area, with good publications history, in order to cover the topic. I think the review article should provide a new hypothesis or...
16 December 2012 8,018 3 View