7 Questions 36 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Faruque Sunny
Dear All, I am trying to employ the CMP model to estimate recommended fertilizer dosage adoption's impact on ROI. The dataset contains seven years of balanced panel data. The endogenous variable...
07 June 2023 1,384 2 View
Hello, I am trying to check the covariate balancing condition. The treatment variable is categorized into 3 levels. When I ran the test, I found most of the weighted values were higher than 1...
28 July 2022 1,238 0 View
Dear everyone, I am currently trying to estimate the impact of adopting a technology on farmers irrigation cost through endogenous switching regression model (movestay command) using STATA/Stata...
07 February 2022 1,005 4 View
For instance, the dependent variable is the amount of fertilizer (KG) and the independent variable is Land typology (0=low land, 1=mid low, 2=mid high and 4=high land). I want to investigate the...
12 October 2021 3,681 20 View
Dear colleagues, could you please explain if there is any relationship between classical economic theories of development and Amartya sens capability approach of development. Thank you very much.
04 July 2019 5,700 6 View
I am planning to conduct a research on Microfinance and want to see the impact of Microfinance on income, food security and women empowerment. I am in the process of making a questionnaire for the...
29 November 2016 9,791 6 View
Dear respected scholars, I am trying to estimate average treatment effects on the treated (ATT) using IPWRA, PSM, and ESR models. However, I struggle to estimate ATT using the ESR model in...
01 January 1970 1,172 6 View