3 Questions 2 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Faizi Weqar
While performing Fixed Effect (FE) and Random Effect (RE) Regression in Stata, three R2-values are given: Within, Between and Overall. So, which R2 value should I write in my research paper for FE...
17 July 2023 5,827 1 View
While performing Fixed Effect (FE) and Random Effect (RE) Regression in Stata, three R2-values are given: Within, Between and Overall. So my question is, which R2 value should I write in my...
12 July 2023 2,041 1 View
Could anybody explain that while performing the system GMM model, I have to perform a unit root test or not? I have data from 46 firms for 12 years, but while performing the Levin-Lin-Chiu test in...
19 May 2022 2,670 5 View