7 Questions 81 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Erik Blair
And why does my tea go cold so quickly when I am working at my desk? I know this sounds glib but is it a metaphor for academic life where we have to balance the rush ( of preparing, marking,...
11 November 2013 569 4 View
Colleagues tell me that they are expected to produce two articles per year. Weirdly they can never cite any institutional guidelines that give this figure - it just seems to be a shared idea. But,...
10 October 2013 3,483 57 View
Many academics review articles for journals without any real support from their institution. We are rarely given any time to do this and end up squeezing the time taken to review articles into...
07 July 2013 9,741 24 View
We often ask students to write a literature review but don't always tell them HOW to do this. So far I have found three models of literature review that help structure work but I wonder if there...
07 July 2013 3,760 16 View
Lecturers tend to be employed based on their academic ability but we all know that some academics are terrible teachers. If academics have a teaching role then should they not be obliged to become...
06 June 2013 7,568 19 View
University education is growing - more students and more managers but not more academic staff. This is changing the way that the university looks/feels. Is this typical and does more management...
06 June 2013 3,554 3 View
I remember learning to write as a child but what level of instruction/guidance do we get to help us develop into academic writers? Peer review and assessment is too late - what upfront guidance...
05 May 2013 8,864 11 View