4 Questions 19 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Erik B. Melchiorre
I am a geologist, not a biologist, but have encountered very old (Archean) rocks with anomalous organic carbon and Os-Ir platinum-group elements. Since the host rock (clay) has high surface area...
01 December 2015 3,433 4 View
Anyone know of methane d13C AND dD data for serpentinite springs? In particular, I am looking for both d13C AND dD for the Cedars, Oman, and Turkey. Thanks in advance!
19 November 2015 4,869 5 View
Can anyone suggest a good overview article on what makes Alpine Type serpentinites different from others? I know that plots of Cr# vs Mg# have different fields, but what else is different and why?...
13 October 2015 1,337 5 View
Is there an easy way to calculate what the penetration depth is for X-ray florescence in gold? This is for a 50 kev system. I am trying to determine how deep our system can "see" into natural gold...
11 July 2014 2,630 5 View