4 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Erich Hohenauer
We want to assess mitochondrial function/activity in a resting condition. Is there any other non-invasive method known beside respiratory gas analysis or has someone experience in an alternative...
22 November 2019 7,414 4 View
We are looking for a way to assess "muscle damage" without an invasive method. Since muscle damaging protocols lead to increased biomarkers (e.g. CK, CRP,...), we need a method to proof that the...
06 November 2015 887 8 View
As I know, all of this 3 Interleukines are inflammatory markers. Is it possible / meaningful to show the results of these 3 groups together or would it be better to display each item separate? Is...
08 August 2014 7,080 3 View
I am doing a meta-analysis and have many included studies. Now I have to state the risk of bias for each study. I did the first articles per hand - reading it again and filling in "+" "-" or "?"....
30 July 2014 174 10 View