14 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Elizabeth E Traylor
We are trying to find comprehensive datasets that include species, specific diseases, and location information. Does anybody have any good databases or can anybody send me monitoring data sets...
07 July 2017 7,328 1 View
I am wondering if anybody has opinions about using TAE Buffer vs the Buffer AE that comes with the Qiagen kit. We use the Qiagen DNA Stool Mini Kit to extract bacterial gDNA from stool samples,...
07 July 2013 4,451 3 View
I am developing a method to measure the number of cells in a sample from an anaerobic culture using qPCR, and I want to use gDNA as a standard. I am wondering if anybody has any advice about how...
05 May 2013 6,217 2 View
I want to take samples of bacteria that have been grown in media and amplify the 16S rRNA gene without doing a DNA extraction. I am using SYBR and amplifying a 200 bp fragment. I have done a bunch...
03 March 2013 8,902 4 View
I would love any suggestions you have for practical ways to avoid contaminating PCR reactions. What are some simple things to do? I know the basics, but I keep having sporadic contamination, so I...
02 February 2013 3,364 4 View
We are beginning to work with a group of students to develop a database for us to track our samples through our very complicated analysis process. We are thinking about using Microsoft SQL server....
02 February 2013 7,685 17 View
I am looking for some DNA to use as an internal standard when we do sequencing. I need to find a species that has never been found in the human gut, but has a medium GC content. If you know where...
11 November 2012 1,778 1 View
I am trying to amplify very small quantities of bacterial DNA using PCR. I currently use 40 cycles. I am having troubles getting my negative controls to be clean. I am working in a UV hood, UV...
11 November 2012 6,173 42 View
I need to make some loading buffer for my gels, and I have never made any before. We use bromophenol blue, and make a 6x buffer concentration. I am just doing simple 1% agar gels with ethidium...
10 October 2012 8,513 22 View
We are looking for a way to process a high number of stool samples. We currently use a Qiagen kit, which is labor intensive and can only extract 12 samples at a time. Do you know of any machines...
09 September 2012 228 13 View
I do a lot of PCR on the 16S rDNA bacterial gene, and I am curious about how clean my water needs to be. We have been using RNase free water from Qiagen that is made without using DEPC, but that...
09 September 2012 7,579 9 View
I am starting a project to amplify DNA from FFPE (formalin-fixed parafin-embedded) tissue samples, and I have noticed that even when I spike the samples DNA from other sources, my amplification is...
08 August 2012 7,338 15 View
I am having a ton of trouble with my PCR reactions, and I would really appreciate some advice. I have run several magnesium and temperature optimization experiments, but I keep getting triple...
06 June 2012 9,262 14 View
My lab is looking to finally get our own thermocycler. We currently borrow a MJ Research PTC 200, which works wonderfully, but they are no longer manufactured. We have been looking at the Bio-Rad...
06 June 2012 6,346 35 View