5 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dipankar Das
Is there any reference on how to solve the radial part of the Schrodinger equation under a repulsive 1/r potential? There will be no bound states, but how to find the exact wave functions??
12 December 2014 3,622 10 View
If I understand correctly, then any matrix can be diagonalized with real and +ve diagonal entries via a bi-unitary transformation. My question is, given a matrix, are the unitary matrices unique??...
03 March 2014 3,585 6 View
Can you suggest a reference where the feynman amplitude is calculated explicitly in detail? I actually want the calculation of the top loop amplitude.
12 December 2012 9,293 2 View
Suppose we place a detector in the forward direction (practically not possible) to collect the scattered particles only. Will it collect infinite no. of particles for a finite incident flux? Am I...
04 April 2012 2,879 24 View
By 'singlet' I mean SU(2) singlet, i.e. a charged fermion without its partner. Is there any theoretical drawback? As I think, it will have no coupling with the Higgs, since Higgs is not needed to...
02 February 2012 3,300 6 View