4 Questions 14 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Dheeb Albashish
In extreme learning machine, how to find or compute the probability or recognition rate for each class in binary class classification problem, in SVM we can get the probability for each class.
10 October 2018 6,110 0 View
Suppose I have the accuracies of 10 runs for an algorithm X, I can directly find the average and STD for these 10 runs, but if I have only the average and STD, how can I find the performances of...
08 August 2018 5,349 3 View
Many traditional measures evaluating features individually cannot work well and a subset of features needs to be evaluated as a whole. Therefore, the two key factors in a feature selection...
05 May 2018 5,080 2 View
Using cross validation with filter or embedded method produce in each fold different rank list depending on the number of sample. So what is the final ranking list if I use svm-rfe to rank my...
10 October 2014 5,332 4 View