5 Questions 12 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Debasish Saha
Pl see the attached image. I want to calculate the detection limit using the following formula LD = 2.71 +3.29 (BACKGROUND COUNTS)^0.5 In 200 keV region there is a visible peak (assume >LC). In...
01 August 2019 6,497 0 View
In CT scan variable intensity X Ray is passed through the object and an 3D image is recorded (Computed Tomography). Brain is covered by skull, made of high Z of Calcium. Inside skull brain is made...
04 September 2018 9,016 4 View
Compton scattering do occur for low Z elements. Cross-section for PE is prop to Z^5, for CS it is z^1.CS happens for z^1, then it should happen for for z^5 also. Binding energy of K shell e has...
25 September 2017 179 21 View
Let us take the example of 89Y(n,n')89mY reaction. In the calculation of Q value we require mass of reactants and products. Both are same here. Then how to calculate the Q value of this reaction...
20 May 2016 7,175 3 View
Like other solid state scintillation detector viz NaI(Tl), CsI(Tl) etc detector why ZnS(Ag) detector can't be used for Gamma counting also? Why ZnS(Ag) is used specifically or can be used...
19 February 2014 3,656 17 View