5 Questions 9 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Daya Shankar
I am working on the instability analysis of the Supercritical Water cooled Reactor(SCWR). My work is computational using MATLAB. I have developed the mathematical model for thermal hydraulic+fuel...
01 June 2015 6,159 5 View
I would like to compute poincare section and lyapunov exponent for my mathematical dynamic model. I am using MATLAB for the analysis, it would be very helpful for me if anyone provide any code,...
18 May 2015 9,432 3 View
I want to do Bifurcation analysis for reactor dynamics, If any one using MATLAB for this analysis then please help or suggestion some paper or text. Thanks in advance
29 January 2015 2,343 8 View
As there is very less instability in forced circulation reactor rather than natural circulation system.
07 January 2015 9,965 7 View
In solving the momentum equation which is more realistic BC's, mass flow rate or pressure drop. How can we justify mass flow boundary condition for BWR and SCWR? Is there any reactor practically...
01 January 1970 365 3 View