13 Questions 1K Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Daniel Baldomir
When Dirac introduced his magnetic monopole for explaining the quantization of the electric charge he left the mass as a free parameter of such particles, but nowadays we have many different kind...
08 August 2019 4,855 43 View
1. Why do we have always a pair number of magnetic poles? 2. What makes the "south pole" S to have a behaviour so different than the "north pole" N if they were made just by "spinors". The spinors...
09 September 2017 722 13 View
Mathematics is fundamental in all sciences and mainly in Physics, which has even had many contributions. It seems that the capacity to be applied would be the motor to be create. But this not what...
06 June 2017 8,438 64 View
Quantum field theory tries to reduce the fields to particles (bosons) which interact with their sources (fermions) transferring energy and momentum, if we restrict to electrodynamics. In the case...
03 March 2015 4,343 81 View
It is known that hadrons can be divided in baryons (fermions of three quarks) and mesons (bosons of two quarks). The sum of their electric charge is always an integer number, e.g. the proton is...
08 August 2014 4,813 71 View
Let me introduce some of mine: 1- Reach quantum gravity for introducing this interaction into the quantum field theory and probably to be unified with the other three...
04 April 2014 7,474 48 View
For me the two more important are: 1. The phase transition liquid-solid for the water is that the solid state is less dense. 2. The dielectric screening in metals is such that the Coulomb...
03 March 2014 1,887 82 View
Dirac magnetic monopole is provided of an string which is infinitely long and which cannot touch matter in the first model of Dirac.
02 February 2014 7,485 13 View
One of the most known is the cold fusion that Fleischmann and Pons claimed to find in 1989 a chemical reaction at room temperature, which had an implicit nuclear reaction produced at tens of...
01 January 2014 2,256 96 View
The question is how is it possible to distinguish one electron forming a Cooper pair in the superconducting phase or the composite fermions having anyonic statistic behaviour in the Fractional...
01 January 2014 4,797 99 View
It may seem that Einstein could create wonderful theories without going to any laboratory as Newton or Maxwell just by using their minds. Might this be possible overall nowadays with the huge...
01 January 2014 1,576 1 View
The figure of merit measures the capacity to transform thermic energy into electric energy and there are many materials with a high Seebeck effect which nowadays are lower than three (adimensional...
12 December 2013 7,239 3 View
I have sent one question about the Lorentz transformation of M and P without explaining enough the reason of doing it. Therefore let me to come back to such question made in more accurate physical...
12 December 2013 7,648 6 View