17 Questions 87 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Çınar Kaya
We are assessing content for originality, as lecturers reading assignments or as reviewers or editors assessing papers. What are the tools you use to detect AI content, which is the new challenge...
21 May 2023 2,625 1 View
What kind of questions do you think "must be" included in an interview guide aimed at"evaluating/describing dynamics" a group counseling with a qualitative approach? I have my set of questions...
18 June 2018 2,318 5 View
I used a semi-structured interview form to collect data from teachers, students, and parents in our broader project that aimed for understanding and comparing the values education processes in a...
20 November 2017 2,110 6 View
I will have a 2X3 (pretest-posttest-follow up X experimental-control groups) split plot experimental design study, which is an RCT trying to test the effect of a group intervention on various...
26 September 2017 2,218 3 View
I am running a CFA in PRELIS. I want to check whether the covariance matrices for the specified measurement model for males and females are similar enough (i.e. no significant difference)....
08 May 2017 767 4 View
I wonder whether there are scholarly attempts to compare the ABC (Activating Event, Belief, Consequence) framework in Cognitive (Behavioral) Therapies with the ABC (Antecedent, Behavior,...
05 May 2017 2,335 5 View
For an experimental effectiveness (or a randomized controlled trial) study in which three intervention groups and a control group undergoing a post-test, pre-test and screening test, what would be...
18 January 2017 9,519 6 View
I am planning to create groups (low, moderate, high) based on the scores of a psychological scale (i.e. Berkeley Emotional Expressivity Scale-positive expressivity subscale). There is no...
17 July 2016 2,903 6 View
I know that we can test mediation models in SEM. In full mediation, we see that the c' path becomes insignificant. But in the case of the partial mediation we need another index for the...
21 March 2016 4,072 2 View
I have a dataset of 587 with 67 items. I try to conduct CFA with 15 factors. RMSEA is approximately .05, Chi Square/df ratio, is lower than 3. But fit indices are quite low like .70, .60. Factor...
08 January 2016 3,490 6 View
I wonder whether there are papers on the qualities of setting in which individual and group psychotherapy and counseling is held. This may also furniture, architectural design etc.
16 December 2015 7,650 9 View
I really need scholarly explanation(s) and reference for the number of modifications (i.e. covariances between individual items) allowed in (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) Measurement models?
19 January 2015 6,785 14 View
I would be glad if I can see a simple SPSS application and its interpretation on a clear example, videos, course notes and videos would be more than great. I am not sure whether SPSS do Sobel Z...
25 June 2014 1,988 3 View
I would like to read ideas and references on this issue.
17 April 2014 7,256 8 View
I would appreciate novel ideas and existing literature about the scope of intervention of a therapist or counselor, having a degree on "related areas" and/or certified by an association of a...
25 October 2013 6,268 6 View
I wonder what kind of new streams in psychotheraphy are gaining prominence, and which ones have enough empirically verified effectiveness? Are there significantly novel and authentic eclectic...
11 September 2013 724 11 View
How can I interpret the following situation: there are a, b, c and d as variables. 1. There are positive correlations among each couple containing a, b, and c. 2. a does not have a significant...
27 August 2013 1,407 18 View