11 Questions 36 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chen Gafni
Hi, I would like to perform emotion analysis of texts based on keywords using a dimensional emotion model (e.g., the circumplex model of affect). Do you know of any available database that lists...
08 November 2019 5,507 3 View
I have a group of subjects. Each of them provided ratings on an ordinal scale for two questions. The questions themselves are not directly related (I ask for evaluations of two different...
04 August 2019 9,743 4 View
Hello, I am struggling to understand how R's lmer function handles missing data. I couldn't find an exact description in the documentation of the package. I also tried to play with some data, but...
18 December 2018 3,885 16 View
Hello, I have an LMM with one fixed factor that has a significant effect. However, items in the two levels of the fixed factor differ significantly on a continuous variable. I entered that...
20 October 2018 8,262 4 View
I want to analyze experimental data with a linear mixed-effects model (in R). I have an hypothesis about one fixed factor, but I also have many random factors and continuous covariates that can...
09 June 2018 1,095 3 View
I am running an experiment in which participants respond to various words that appear rotated on the screen. I would like to analyze their reaction times using a linear mixed-effects model, but I...
25 February 2018 136 5 View
I have a recording of speech in which I can hear some echo (in a specific vowel). Is there a way to isolate this echo from the acoustic signal and estimate its spectral properties (in Praat for...
09 August 2017 4,372 8 View
I use the fitlme function in Matlab with 'DummyVarCoding' set to 'effects', which is defined as 'Coefficients sum to 0.' The lme object lists the coefficients for each level of the fixed factors...
25 June 2016 1,911 2 View
I constructed a linear mixed-effects model in Matlab with several categorical fixed factors, each having several levels. Fitlme calculates confidence intervals and p values for n-1 levels of each...
17 June 2016 1,372 3 View
I am trying to calculate the Breathiness Index, suggested by Fukazawa et al. (1988), as a measure for breathy voice. The paper indicates a range of 8.3 to 75.7 for values of BRI, but my...
09 October 2015 1,578 17 View
I am studying the acoustic correlates of breathy voice. Two of the measures I use are the difference between the amplitude of the first harmonic and the amplitude of a harmonic near the frequency...
13 July 2015 2,586 6 View