4 Questions 15 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chee Yoong Foo
I am trying to figure out how organization "developed" their attributes such as the size, scope, and profitability. Are they any causal relationship between these features and their operating...
24 February 2016 8,516 6 View
I am trying to figure out how ALOS, BOR & TOI should be calculated and reported for a state and a country. Should I take the average of these indicators by each hospital within a state/country...
10 July 2014 2,119 24 View
I am looking for literature to support the write up of my study that concerns efficiency in the healthcare sector. In particular, I am interested to know is "Demand" of services a "Determinant" of...
24 April 2014 9,157 7 View
I am trying to perform a congestion analysis, using R (benchmarking package). I would like to calculate the TE under these 2 different assumptions. After going through dozens of papers, I am still...
12 February 2014 672 18 View