7 Questions 5 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Chathranee Anumitha Jayathilake
How can you explain the Melzak's algorithm for Steiner minimal tree problem steps for four points?
01 January 2017 6,764 3 View
Suppose I'm getting a set of three solutions from a pde simulation(assume that each solution is a matrix of dimension 100x500). I run this until I get the steady state. Then at the final time...
11 November 2016 6,023 1 View
The Kirchhoff matrix of a graph can be obtained by getting the difference between the degree matrix and the adjacency matrix of the graph. What properties of the graph can be described by...
09 September 2015 3,680 4 View
I'm thinking about a way of relating Hadamard matrices to optimization theory. Can you please provide me some previous work or any idea related to this problem?
07 July 2015 6,362 4 View
There are several important areas in graph theory such as shortest paths,trees, coloring etc.Adjacency and incidence matrix of a graph is one famous application of matrices in graph theory. What...
07 July 2015 8,125 2 View
Eigen decomposition of a given matrix A is a way of finding another matrix Q which consist of the eigen vectors of A. What are the real life applications of the method of eigen decomposition of A?
06 June 2015 9,502 7 View
Can you please give me some suggestions for some research projects in applications of Linear Algebra?
04 April 2015 9,235 1 View