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Questions related from Chandra Shekar
I want to find the conical intersection for H2S molecule in the first two excited states. What all information is required to make the input ?
06 December 2017 2,260 1 View
How do we define the optical band gap for a molecule ?
04 August 2017 8,207 3 View
I just want to know the functionals such as b3lyp, b97xd, etc. that we use to study non covalent interactions for small molecules has any non-Born Oppenheimer/non-adiabatic effects.
07 March 2017 6,131 2 View
I am trying to calculate the spin-orbit coupling value for cyclobutadine. Here is my input. # casscf=(2,2,spinorbit)/3-21g But it is stopping at Enter MCSCF program. NO. OF ORBITALS = 44 NO. OF...
18 April 2016 4,305 4 View
Usually we calculate the force constants for bond length, bond angle and dihedral angle. I want to calculate the force constant for entire molecule.
18 September 2015 566 2 View
I want to calculate the electron-phonon coupling constant for a molecule (say coronene) i.e., non-metallic systems.
18 September 2015 4,694 3 View
I just want to know how one can use huckel MO theory for acetylene (2 pi bonds~4 electrons).
25 July 2014 6,856 9 View
I optimized a molecule in a specific concentration of solvent (methanol) with dielectric constant (eps)=68.0 (from experiment) using G09. But for doing a frequency calculation it requires eps(inf)...
19 July 2014 495 3 View
I want to calculate the formation energy of benzene, naphthalene, coronene. Is it measured in term of per atom (atom-1) ?
22 December 2013 262 13 View
I want to show the overlap orbitals between two molecules (pi-pi) interacting with each other. I got overlap orbitals at homo-15, homo-20, homo-45 etc.
10 October 2013 3,081 5 View