25 Questions 24 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Carlos Hernan Lopez Zapata
In simpler terms, if an electrical charge ‘q’ is so small like a test-particle regarding its dimensions but huge in its electrical charge, is there any substance in nature or phenomena where a...
02 February 2024 5,247 4 View
Good morning, I have been asking myself the kind of differential equation obtained by modifying the radial solution Rl(rho)=Al jl(rho)+Bl neumann l(rho) Eq.1. analyzed from the Helmholtz equation...
18 September 2023 3,188 0 View
Dear researchers, which are the general contours L understood from the sentence: ‘L is a vertical contour cutting the real z-axis between 0 and 1 in complex analysis?’ I have seen a integral that...
15 August 2023 4,584 4 View
Dear researchers, I am considering the role of the Laplace transform for particular functions containing terms with csc(b(t)) (cosecant function with certain arguments b(t)), e.g., in dynamical...
26 May 2023 3,856 0 View
Dear recruiters in research areas of engineering, I am an independent researcher interested in research projects and I would like to participate in a project related to engineering that demands...
18 May 2023 3,917 0 View
Dear members, I would like to know if a BSc. in hydrology and a master and PhD. in hydrology studies can be useful for good perspectives in careers in the future? I want to know how solid basis...
17 May 2023 6,342 3 View
Dear researchers, I have been asking myself many details linking the special relativity and the interaction of the electromagnetic fields. One vital question (but of course many are remaining) is...
09 May 2023 5,934 6 View
I am looking a series or relationship that let me write (cot(x))2 and the Appery constant? I want to write directly the (cot(x))2 by a series or formula based on the Appery constant zeta(3) Best...
22 December 2022 7,464 0 View
How to write formally within the context of mathematics that: "given two series S1 and S2 and they are subtracted each other coming from a proved identity that is true and the result of this...
22 December 2022 7,000 5 View
Is there any possibility to reduce a given denominator tr/p from a term 1/tr/p of an integral after having applied the Feynman's Integral trick and that this step to lead to the domain of the...
19 December 2022 6,057 0 View
The topic can be complex, but I am interested in the technique of heat kernel for the regularization of a divergent series at a specific point b=0. I mean, if one already knew a convergent series...
13 December 2022 6,794 2 View
Dear Professors. I am very interested in sophisticate formulas involving the sum of several Li-functions in infinites terms, like C1*Li(1) + C2*Li(2)+... or others involving the polylogarithm...
01 December 2022 7,025 0 View
Which are the implications in mathematics if the Irrationality Measure bound of "Pi" is proved to be Less than or equal to 2.5? How can be understood the number pi within this context? Thanks, Carlos
22 November 2022 692 1 View
Given the equation involving the W Lambert function. Eq.1) [1 + W(z0)]. {DW(z) in z0} = C/f(z0) with z0 a real number DW() is the first derivative of W or dW(z)/dz where DW(z) is Evaluated in...
11 January 2022 5,259 2 View
I am getting immersed in The Kervaire-Milnor Formula, where each term of which connects with a different field in mathematics: "The number of differential structures on the 4k − 1-dimensional...
01 October 2021 6,389 2 View
Good afternoon, For a model on Matlab I have been implementing, a formulation for the Riemann Zeta function, I require more precision per Stieltjes (in number of Stieltjes and decimal places...
06 July 2021 2,555 1 View
Dear members, I have a matrix with a pattern, it starts from an index given by a value for the integers, i.e, i=0, 1, 2,3.... As I know the matrix which multiplies a vector of data (also with...
28 June 2021 3,052 3 View
Dear researchers, I am very interested in making more progress in the direction of the functional analysis and number theory. After the second stage of my private research regarding the Riemann...
13 June 2021 1,410 7 View
Are there connections between the Gauss hypergeometric series(function) and the Riemann Xi/Zeta function or at least some formulas? I try to find out the link through the analysis of spectral...
01 January 1970 4,137 2 View
Dear professors, researchers, After some models for the Riemann Xi and zeta function, I was able to get a curious equation which is based on two parameters in function of one final independent...
01 January 1970 3,518 5 View
As the concept comes from the Bernoulli numbers and different branches of mathematics, I have recently considered the importance of introducing the same concept, 'The unity of mathematics' within...
01 January 1970 166 1 View
Dear members, I have read about multiples techniques for regularizing a summation, I would like to know the technique for the case How to regularize the divergent summation Σ ((1-l*π)^2n)/l^2...
01 January 1970 1,840 2 View
Paper: https://www.npublications.com/journals/articles.php?id=551 The Flint Hills series converges really to 30.3144... via the set of convergent series given by the image attached and explained...
01 January 1970 8,713 0 View
Dear members, I would like to know if there is a pattern of proportion between the generated Abraham-Lorentz force and the Lorentz force leading to study the fine-structure constant. I am...
01 January 1970 620 1 View
I have been asking myself if one has different analytical representations (analytical extensions in complex functions) of some expressions containing hypergeometric function 2_F_1(a, b; c; z)...
01 January 1970 8,833 6 View