4 Questions 1 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Cadegiani Flávio
Dear all, In the current pandemic without any effective approach, should biological plausibility and mechanistic approaches exceptionally have larger space to be attempted in clinical...
01 January 1970 5,033 5 View
COVID-19 can potentially affect different organs throughout the organism, since the expression of ACE-2 has been found in several different tissues. From neurological manifestations to fertility...
01 January 1970 9,381 5 View
Dear colleagues, I may be wrong, but I found particularly intriguing the fact that while the World Health Organization (WHO) alleged that there is no proven or standard approach to cure or...
01 January 1970 350 8 View
Currently, it seems to have a sort of shortage of researchers available to review manuscripts. This is completely understandable, once reviewers usually do not get benefits back and are fully busy...
01 January 1970 3,809 15 View